Sweet Tooth
is a post-apocalyptic dark fantasy drama television series created by Jim Mickle and based on the DC Comics limited series of the same name by Jeff Lemire. The series premiered on Netflix on June 4, 2021.
The series takes place in a world where a mysterious plague has led to the birth of human-animal hybrids, known as "hybrids," who are hunted by the government. The story follows a hybrid boy named Gus, who has antlers and lives in a secluded forest, as he embarks on a journey to find the truth about his origins and the fate of his kind. Along the way, he meets a drifter named Jepperd, who becomes his protector and mentor.
The show explores themes of survival, family, and identity, as well as the dangers of fear and prejudice. It is a visually stunning series, with lush cinematography, imaginative creature designs, and a haunting score. The show also features a talented cast, led by Christian Convery as Gus and Nonso Anozie as Jepperd.
Sweet Tooth is produced by Warner Bros. Television and is executive produced by Jim Mickle, Robert Downey Jr., Susan Downey, Amanda Burrell, and Linda Moran. The show received positive reviews from critics, who praised its unique premise, strong performances, and emotional depth.
One of the unique aspect of the series is that it is a hybrid of genres, blending elements of science fiction, fantasy, and drama. It also has a strong environmental message, as it deals with the consequences of human actions on nature.
Overall, Sweet Tooth is a thought-provoking and emotionally powerful series that offers something different from the typical post-apocalyptic fare. It is a visually stunning and well-acted show that tells a unique and compelling story, and it is definitely worth a watch for fans of the genre.